Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Books - Stephanie Meyer is releasing a new book

Since several of my friends are HUGE Twilight Fans I thought I would post this.

The book will be available as a hardback June 5th (click the image to the left to pre-order) or as a free online download The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella from NOON June 7th until July 5th.

While I enjoyed the first four books and will be buying this book in hardback to have the complete set, I don't find myself obsessing over the characters like certain friends I have do.

I didn't read any of the books until after I saw Twilight in the theater with one of my friends. My teenager has absolutely no interest in the books (she finds Bella to be to whiny) so they weren't even in my house.

I immediately went home and ordered all four books. After I received them I read one book each day for four days. In fact I have read them all around five times now. That doesn't mean I can quote lines from the books or describe what Bella was wearing in a certain chapter it just means that I found the books to be a pleasant read. I didn't dissect them to try to prove that Bella and Edward had an abusive relationship. I just read them with respect for the author who composed this series of works based on a dream that she had.

I have had several dreams that I thought would make great books. However I have always had two problems with them.
1) The really good ones fade and just leave an impression upon waking
2) I have never had the confidence to write my books beyond the first two-three chapters. (and I have never let anyone read my writings until this last year.)

Having said that I was surprised while watching New Moon that I actually found Jacob a much more interesting character. While I enjoyed his character in the book I never actually found myself hoping that he would win Bella away from Edward.

If I had seen all of the movies first I would be rooting for Jacob big time. It makes me feel old to know that Taylor Lautner is only four months older than my daughter. If I was my daughter I would seriously be crushing on him. But I am not. George Clooney, Vin Diesel, and Adrian Paul are more my speed. Though I will admit that when I was her age I was crushing on Sean Connery (Highlander era not James Bond era.) I am just now realizing that he was in his late 50s when those movies were made. I have always found older men to be much more interesting than the younger ones.

I think of all the characters introduced in Ms Meyer's books the one I would like to read more about would be Jacob after the events of New Dawn. But in the meantime I will read Bree's story in the midst of all my other reading that I have lined up.

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