Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day One....Book One

I haven't received too many entries yet for my 31 books reviewed in 31 days.  So I randomly pulled one of my many books that I still haven't read out of a box.  The problem with them is these are books that I chose to buy so they are in my normal comfort zone for books.

She Went All the Way by Meggin Cabot was the book I grabbed.  I read it in fits and spurts today while doing other things.  This book is 357 pages long.

What better way to forget how hot it is where you are when you are reading about the heroine Lou Calabrese and hero Jack Townsend escaping from the bad guys in an Alaskan snow storm?

Lou, is a Hollywood screenwriter, who has just been dumped by her long time boyfriend. 

Jack Townsend  is one of Hollywoods leading actors.  His movies gross millions and women adore him.  However, his girlfriend just ran off and married Lou's boyfriend.

Now they are both stuck flying up to the latest film shoot together.  I don't want to give all the details away.  Otherwise why would you read the book?

This was an enjoyable summer read.  Perfect for taking out in the garden and relaxing on the swing while enjoying the weather with a cup of coffee this morning.

Good Books, Good Wine, Good Friends What Could be Better.

1 comment:

  1. 31 books in 31 days didn't quit happen. I was really hoping for 31 actual suggestions on books to read. I received 1 suggestion which I really do appreciate and I will be writing a review of that during Thanksgiving Break. I read a lot during August in addition to starting my new semester of school, stressing over jobs that I had applied for, and enjoying being outdoors. However looking back most of what I read was fan-fiction. It wasn't even new fan-fiction. It was stories written 5-10 years ago that were just so well written that every so often I go back to reading them. There were a couple of new stories by MaryPerk but most of them are WiPs (works in progress) and I don't think it is fair to review something that isn't finished.

    Anyway since 31 books in 31 days was not successful I will have to think of something else and get back on the actual reading real work. I might just have to post a review of the book of shorts we are reading in our writing class.
